New Calvinism is Satan’s Work

One of the reasons I am critical of the movement New Calvinism and its leader such as Timothy Keller, is that I am opposed to religious syncretism

As Christians from Reformed/Presbyterian h***e churches in China, we all have seen with our own eyes how the g****n***t in China promoting religious syncretism, namely the Sinicization of Christianity (syncretising Christianity with Chinese culture and political ideologymaking Christianity “Chinese”). The version of “Christianity” the Thr**-S*** “Church” has is nothistoric Christianity, and they profess a different “Christ”. 

Similarlythe version of “Calvinism” the New Calvinism possesses is not historic Calvinism/confessionally Reformed religionbut an Americanised onea culturally syncretised oneSuch an Americanised Evangelical religion is marked by its continuationism/Pentecostalism in its doctrine of revelationits Dispensationalism in its Bibliologyits Anabaptism in its sacramentology, and its Donatism in its ecclesiology. And those four “isms” can be vividly identified in the theology and practice of this New Calvinist movement. (Even the Americanised Presbyterian Timothy Keller is happy to cut out Paedobaptism from his NEW city catechism becausethe OLD city is not to his liking, not to mention his Baptist allies.)

Perhaps there is no persecution in America and the West which is similar to that in China, but Satan is doing the similar work to diminish the Gospelto impair the beauty of the wholeness of the Reformed systematicthrough religious syncretism, namely, urging us to give up our history and OLD confessionsinsteadto embrace a culturally comfortable and dialectically friendly NEW version of faith.#reformeddowngrade 

Again, I recommend to you RScott Clark’s articles.

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